Prohibition on Retaliation and Victimization As part of our Whistleblower Policies, Mimecast expressly forbids any retaliation against any Mimecaster who, acting in good faith on the basis of a reasonable belief, reports any suspected misconduct or participates in an investigation of a Individuals must not suffer any possible violation of this Code, other policies or detrimental treatment as a result procedures, or any applicable law, rule, or of raising a concern in good faith. regulation. Any person who participates in any such retaliation is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Contact our Compliance Office immediately with any concerns around retaliation and victimization. More Information: Global Whistleblower Policy Whistleblower Policy - Australia ©©22002244 MMiimemecacasst.t. AlAlll RRiigghhtsts RReesseerrvveedd.. 3030

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